The Keith Haring Foundation saves homes for New Yorkers affected by AIDS and HIV by supporting The Partnership
As a long standing supporter of The Partnership, The Keith Haring Foundation has generously donated $75,000 to support The Partnership’s upstream intervention programs that keep New Yorkers at immediate risk of homelessness in their homes, preventing them from ending up in shelters or on the streets. Such investments in prevention yield cost-savings to the City, as data illustrates that prevention is the most cost-effective and humanitarian solution to homelessness.
The mission of the Keith Haring Foundation is to sustain, expand, and protect the legacy of Keith Haring, his art, and his ideals. The Keith Haring Foundation supports not-for-profit organizations that assist children, as well as organizations involved in education, prevention, and care related to AIDS.
The Keith Haring Foundation’s support of the Save Homes Campaign will ensure New Yorkers affected by AIDS and HIV can keep their homes and avoid homelessness via access to rental assistance and mental health services.
By paying rent arrears, the Save Homes Campaign effectively prevents an eviction and safeguards New Yorkers in their homes, ensuring that instead of being burdened with the stress of homelessness, they can immediately focus on their well-being and rebuilding (including work, school and health) and create intergenerational opportunity rather than intergenerational poverty.
“Thanks to the Keith Haring Foundation, the Save Homes Campaign can keep more New Yorkers safely housed and serve as a model of solving homelessness” said Áine Duggan, President and CEO of The Partnership. “Through partnerships such as this, we can achieve the goal of making New York City a place that guarantees safe homes for all its residents, including our neighbors affected by AIDS and HIV.”
Thank you to the Keith Haring Foundation for contributing to The Partnership’s mission of ending homelessness by preventing it.