
Housing and Crisis Assistance

Our Save Homes rental arrears assistance program and Safe Homes rapid rehousing program address crises and provide intensive casework to keep New Yorkers permanently housed:

  • Save Homes: our rental arrears assistance program is a full grant payment (no loans) that is accessible to immigrants and citizens, regardless of employment status. We provide rental assistance as a first step to keeping New Yorkers safely housed while we provide them with ongoing support to secure and/or improve their income. This work includes NYC One Shot Deal navigation and related advocacy for all eligible families; landlord negotiations and mediation to secure rent and arrears discounts, new leases, repairs and timely payments; and collaborations with legal services partners to ensure legal representation for clients.
  • Safe Homes: our rapid rehousing program serves clients who are experiencing domestic and gender-based violence that prevents them from remaining in their current homes. We work with New Yorkers impacted by violence to find new safe homes and provide guaranteed rent and supportive services for up to two years to ensure housing and health stability. Services include landlords and broker relations; housing searches and housing quality standards (HQS) inspections; rent reasonableness assessments; lease negotiations; financial assistance for qualifying moving and utility costs; and, the development of individual Rapid Rehousing Manuals that explain lease terms, tenant rights and responsibilities and the rental assistance breakdown plan.

In tandem with these interventions, we stabilize families by providing crisis intervention services and casework to give clients access to government benefits, education access, financial empowerment, emergency food programs, childcare, small cash grants, assistance via our on-site pantry and other emergency services.

Partner with us to prevent homelessness for thousands more NYC families.

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