Sponsorship Opportunities

Our Strategy

The Partnership To End Homelessness FY23-26 strategy leverages our 40 years of experience — from our roots addressing street homelessness to decades of providing housing, employment, health and education services for families — to advance our revised mission: Ending Homelessness By Preventing It.

The Case for Prevention

Prevention is the most humanitarian and cost-effective way to end homelessness:

  • Most NYC homelessness is invisible to most New Yorkers. Homelessness is primarily a story about women and children of color, disproportionately hurt by domestic violence, evictions and overcrowding in a city with a dearth of housing assistance.

800K New Yorkers in 317K homes are in arrears

They represent 90% of NYC’s homelessness crisis

  • Of the 90K people currently in shelters, 33K children account for almost two in five (38%), families account for 77% (90% are headed by women) and 95%+ identify as people of color.
  • Approximately 800K people (including 222K children) living in 317K homes in rental arrears and at risk of losing their homes account for 90% of the city’s homelessness story.
  • Homelessness is intergenerational. Less than half of children in shelter graduate high school, putting them at a heightened risk of future homelessness with their own children.
  • Many women at risk of or experiencing homelessness live with complex trauma, due to histories of child abuse and/or domestic violence. Many have not had access to therapy.
  • Prevention is cost-effective. Whereas the average NYC household rent arrears bill is $3,500, the cost of shelter provision for a family is approx. $100,000.
  • Prevention is good for landlords. Prevention saves landlords expensive housing court costs and months of process. Housing is an ecosystem; ensuring paid arrears and rent allows landlords to keep up to date on mortgage payments and other building costs.
  • Prevention saves affordable housing. Every time a family loses their home, the cost of that home increases for the next family. Saving homes keeps rents lower and keeps more apartments in the market at an affordable cost.
  • Prevention saves and strengthens communities. When a family loses their home, they lose their community support. Similarly, communities and schools experience a fracture every time families are displaced. Saving homes creates stability that facilitates more community safety and development.
Scales Infographic

Partner With Us

Our method of achieving our mission is by working in partnership as we believe it takes bringing together the wisdom and resources of all sectors to permanently end homelessness in NYC.

Our Save, Safe and Sound homes programs are made possible by sponsorship opportunities from $10,000 to $1M. These sponsorships are tailored to each sponsor and facilitate partnerships that would prevent homelessness for even more New Yorkers in FY25 and promote a prevention approach to solve NYC homelessness.

For more information, please email development@thepartnershipnyc.org or call 212.645.3444.

Thank you for your partnership to end homelessness for all New Yorkers!

Recognition Levels $10,000 - $24,999 $25,000 - $49,999 $50,000 - $99,999 $100,000 - $249,999 $250,000 - $499,999 $500,000 - $749,999 $750,000 - $1,000,000+
Pillar Arch Capstone Keystone Cornerstone Foundation Blueprint
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Our Partners



At the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York, we know that a stable and affordable home is the foundation from which individuals, families and communities grow and flourish. But we also know that, for many New Yorkers, the risk of losing that stable foundation has worsened in recent years. The Partnership To End Homelessness’ Save Homes Campaign is an extraordinary, innovative, and effective approach to ending homelessness before it begins. We are thrilled to be able to support The Partnership in this vital effort to help keep New Yorkers in their homes and that stable foundation in place.”

— José R. González, President and CEO of FHLBNY




Keith Haring
Estate of Lynn Diamond


Anthony and Nancy Bowe

General Atlantic Foundation

The Hagedorn Fund

Estate of Joanna C. Harris

Estate of George F. Mueden


Ameriprise Financial


Estate of George D. Harris, Jr.

Donald Layton and Sandy Lazo

Annette Marcus


William J. and Dorothy K. O’Neill Foundation

Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton and Garrison

David and Kris Woll


Andrew and Mimi Crawford

Dandelion Charitable Foundation

Kathleen Fisher

Green Fund

Chandra Jessee

Henry and Lucy Moses Fund

Ira Riklis

Sloman Foundation

Arthur and Lois Stainman

Venable Foundation

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