November 13, 2024

In the wake of the election, The Partnership stands with and for our community of women and children of color, LGBTQIA+ and immigrant New Yorkers

As we approach a new year and Administration, The Partnership’s clients, particularly women and children of color, immigrants, and LGBTQIA+ New Yorkers, worry about their futures. 

As always, they worry about rent, food and utilities bills, supporting their children in school and taking care of health needs. Now, they also fear what the future may mean for women hurt by abusive partners, women and children recovering from child abuse, LGBTQIA+ community members and immigrants who maintain American businesses as they work hard to provide a home for their families (as many of our leaders’ immigrant ancestors once did).

Our clients wonder who will be there to prevent them from losing their homes, livelihoods and lives if federal funding for housing, food, childcare, healthcare and other basics is reduced or eliminated. They wonder who will advocate for them if budget cuts—potentially aimed at funding tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans—are rationalized by judging them as second-class citizens.

For more than 40 years, The Partnership has worked on behalf of our community of supporters to serve New Yorkers at risk of or experiencing homelessness. Because safe homes enable thriving families and societies, we believe that every person has the right to a safe home.

The Partnership will continue to stand with our clients by providing the vital and inclusive homelessness prevention services that safeguard them and their families.

The Partnership will continue to advocate on behalf of our stakeholders to keep every New Yorker safe in a place they can each call home.

And The Partnership will continue to collaborate with our community and government partners committed to safeguarding the rights, lives and safety of the people we collectively serve and who call New York home.

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